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Kristi Brock Attends 2019 Lloyd's Broker Academy

Posted: October 2, 2019 in:

Each year, Falvey sends one rising star team member to the Lloyd’s Broker Academy. Kristi Brock from the Falvey Cargo team was selected to attend the 2019 academy and spent September 9-13 in London with some of the best and brightest in the industry. Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

What were your thoughts on being selected for the academy? 

“I was ecstatic to be selected! It’s been a goal of mine to attend the academy since starting at Falvey eight years ago, so I was honored and grateful to study there.”

Adam Room Dinner hosted by John Neal 1 of 2

What were some key takeaways from your experience? 

“My week at the academy gave me a glimpse into the professional as well as the social side of Lloyd’s and what really stood out was the importance placed on relationships within the market. Friendships, as well as learning one another’s strengths and specialties to navigate the market floor, are key.”

“I also experienced firsthand how beneficial face-to-face broking and underwriting is, especially for more complicated risks.”

How will your academy experience change your day-to-day role going forward? 

“I gained a lot of insight into the current state of the market and have been able to use that knowledge to better assess the risks coming across my desk. 

“I also made some strong bonds with fellow attendees and presenters during my week at Lloyd’s, which has broadened my resources within the industry. The contacts we made and speakers we observed were some of the best, most awarded, and most knowledgeable in the industry. ”

Closing night

Any other thoughts?

“Overall it was an informative and memorable week, thanks to the hard work put in by the organizers and presenters. Attending the academy gave me a rare opportunity to meet fellow attendees from all over the U.S. and Canada, and hear from many esteemed speakers from all over the world. This was an opportunity and an experience that I have grown from and will forever be grateful for.”

“On a more personal note, Falvey is a company I’ve always been proud to be a part of, so it was no surprise that every person I met in London who has worked with Falvey had nothing but good things to say—particularly about Mike Falvey. It’s apparent that Mike is well respected in the industry and has worked very hard to earn that reputation.” 

“Lastly, this experience has only reinforced how fortunate I feel to work for a company that believes in me, alongside some really great people who will be lifelong friends.”

Kristi Brock is an underwriting trainee for Falvey Cargo Underwriting.